Shabbat Chayal
Teaneck, New Jersey
April 28-29, 2023

Shabbat Chayal
Teaneck, New Jersey
April 28-29, 2023





-659 DAYS


Choose an Amount to Give

Special Dedication Opportunities

Bronze Supporter – $500
Silver Supporter – $1,000
Gold Supporter [Dorm Mezuzah Dedication] – $1,800
Sponsor a Chayal [Wall of Friends Dedication] – $5,000

Bronze Supporter – $500
Silver Supporter – $1,000
Gold Supporter [Dorm Mezuzah Dedication] – $1,800
Sponsor a Chayal [Wall of Friends Dedication] – $5,000

Our boys are on the front lines. We've got their backs!

The Lev LaChayal family embraces each soldier ensuring his needs are met from Day One. We are dedicated to our boys, in every sense!

We need your help to reach the finish line!

Lev LaChayal is the only Yeshiva-based Lone Soldier Center that trains and cares for dozens of chayalim who come from abroad to serve in the IDF. In 2014, the program opened with only 6 participants. By the end of August 2023, that number will stand at approximately 60 soldiers from North America and England.

After many tiring days on base protecting our country, our soldiers return to furnished, cleaned, and maintained homes that are always stocked with food and anything else they may possibly need. Caring mentors and Rabbanim run weekly Shabbat and Yom Tov meals, visit their bases, and run programs for the soldiers when they are off duty. Our community members are also quite active in the program: hosting the boys for meals, bringing them extra food, and providing rides to the train- all to emphasize the message that Am Yisrael stands behind them.

While we do all we can to give them a sense of home, the current setup of renting apartments that are scattered throughout the neighborhood adds expense and difficulty. By building our own facility, we will be able to care for many more soldiers and provide them with the support they deserve.

In mid-February, we celebrated the Groundbreaking with a beautiful ceremony where the first cement was poured thus actualizing a dream nearly 10 years in the making.

*But we aren’t done yet!*

We are currently at 75% of our fundraising goal to make this vision a reality. We need your help to guarantee that our soldiers will have a home base: a place to live, sleep, learn Torah, socialize, and eat together when they leave base.

Will you help us reach the finish line?
Lev LaChayal is a program run by Yeshivat Lev HaTorah. Yeshivat Lev HaTorah is a Tax Exempt Organization registered as a 501c3, Tax ID #: 010673538.

Lev LaChayal is the only Yeshiva-based Lone Soldier Center that trains and cares for dozens of chayalim who come from abroad to serve in the IDF. In 2014, the program opened with only 6 participants. By the end of August 2023, that number will stand at approximately 60 soldiers from North America and England.

After many tiring days on base protecting our country, our soldiers return to furnished, cleaned, and maintained homes that are always stocked with food and anything else they may possibly need. Caring mentors and Rabbanim run weekly Shabbat and Yom Tov meals, visit their bases, and run programs for the soldiers when they are off duty. Our community members are also quite active in the program: hosting the boys for meals, bringing them extra food, and providing rides to the train- all to emphasize the message that Am Yisrael stands behind them.

While we do all we can to give them a sense of home, the current setup of renting apartments that are scattered throughout the neighborhood adds expense and difficulty. By building our own facility, we will be able to care for many more soldiers and provide them with the support they deserve.

In mid-February, we celebrated the Groundbreaking with a beautiful ceremony where the first cement was poured thus actualizing a dream nearly 10 years in the making.

*But we aren’t done yet!*

We are currently at 75% of our fundraising goal to make this vision a reality. We need your help to guarantee that our soldiers will have a home base: a place to live, sleep, learn Torah, socialize, and eat together when they leave base.

Will you help us reach the finish line?
Lev LaChayal is a program run by Yeshivat Lev HaTorah. Yeshivat Lev HaTorah is a Tax Exempt Organization registered as a 501c3, Tax ID #: 010673538.

100 Donors

Scott & Rivki Chudnoff

2 years ago


in memory of IIan Tokayer

Elijah Kaplan

2 years ago


Jeremy Bak

2 years ago


Thank you for taking care of our chayalim!

Tobi Jeselsohn

2 years ago


Kol hakavod!

Jewish Center of Teaneck Rabbi Fridman

2 years ago


In honor of Shabbat Chayal. From the Jewish Center of Teaneck Community

Michael Wicentowski

2 years ago


Richard Goldberger

2 years ago


In honor of my son Abie and his Golani unit

Aliza and Dov Segal

2 years ago


Jesse Giles

2 years ago


Robert & Sara Erlich

2 years ago


Shira and Howie Forman

2 years ago


In memory of Ilan Tokayer z”l

Barbara Schneider

2 years ago


Witg great respect

Gail Kamerman

2 years ago


Faye Landes

2 years ago


In memory of Ilan Tokayer, who is always in our hearts

Family Glicksman

2 years ago


in honor of Noah Greenblatt

Ari Braunstein

2 years ago


Margaret and Barry Herzog

2 years ago


In honor Of all the lone soldiers bravely serving for our country.

Lynn Silverberg

2 years ago


Chana & Yonatan Shefa

2 years ago


In memory of Ilan Tokayer z”l

Yosef and Elisheva Malka Veltman

2 years ago


Uri and Emma Horowitz

2 years ago


Gary & Nurit Adler

2 years ago


Cindy and Marc Bernstein

2 years ago


Daniel & Leah Feldman

2 years ago


Susan & Menachem (Morty) Goldberg

2 years ago


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